Listed below are some templates that can be used to get you up and running quickly.

Startup Financial Dashboard

Startup Financial Dashboard

Use Viasheets to add in your bank transactions and balances to get key metrics such as Cash on Hand, Current & Previous Months Cashflow, Average Cashflow, Total Sales, and Runway

To use the Startup Financial Dashboard, follow the steps below:


Setup Sources on Viasheets

Install Viasheets and connect your bank sources with Plaid. To learn how to connect a source, click here.


Copy the Template

Click on the Startup Financial Dashboard link above and create a copy of the template to store in your Google Drive.


Create your Queries

Create queries to get your bank balances and transactions. To learn how to create a query, click here. Each query that you create needs to have the same fields as specified in the “Input - Bank Balances” and “Input - Bank Transactions” tabs on the Google Sheets.


Run your Bank Balance Queries

Head over to the Input - Bank Balances tab and run the bank balance queries you’ve created. To learn how to view and run a query, click here.


Run your Bank Transaction Queries

Head over to the Input - Bank Transactions tab and run the bank transaction queries you’ve created.


Label Transactions

Head over to the Input - Bank Transaction tab and label each one of the transactions in the Applied Label column to the appropriate labels.

To keep this sheet up-to-date follow the steps 4 onwards as listed above.